Financials & SEC Filings

Filing date Description Form View

Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Filed by "insiders" prior intended sale of restricted stock. Non-EDGAR filing

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Initial filing by director officer or owner of more than ten percent.

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Initial filing by director officer or owner of more than ten percent.

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Data provided by Kaleidoscope.